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This list of comments is related with "DKW 3-6 Monza"

5 comments total

date: 2014-01-12 19:53:07 

to him, "Yes, Lord, I am, if that's what you want." Suddenly I had peace. But you know what? It was as if God was saying at that time, "No, now's not the time. I just wetand to see if you would be willing." Ginger, yes, it is stuff, isn't it! And I'

date: 2014-01-13 00:34:26 

There are two distinct focatrs that influence an investor to buy into any investment, be it share or gold or land.Greed and Hope. Both arise from the investor being a victim of his own mental state, which pushes his logical mind into sleep mode.Watching h

date: 2014-01-13 03:53:28 

Du Glfcckskind hast es geschafft ein Foto mit Gesa zu schiedfen! An dem Abend war ich auch im Monza, whacsrheinlich stand ich 2 Meter neben dir ;) Jedenfalls beneide ich dich um diese Chance zutiefst. :) Schf6nen Abend wfcnsche ich dir noch!

date: 2014-01-13 08:44:17 

Those who wan to be able to learn about control of their state of mind in ietmsvnents should attend talks by award winning stock strategist coach, Mr. K.C. Ee in a free 3 hour seminar talk, either on Nov 7th or Nov 10th. Check with Lim and Tan Brokerage f

date: 2014-01-13 18:42:01 

I totally agree with you. For exlapme, Twins appeared in that charity event show. After singing one song, they left abruptly. If they're willing to help or raise money, they should have stayed till the end of the show. Anyway, I wished the charity organiz