Video gallery Photo gallery Tuning
H -> Hyundai, H -> Hyundai
BodytypeType of transmissiontype of driveEngine power
Hyundai Elantra 2.0 Hatchback Manual, 5-speed Front wheels 140.00 PS (103 kW or 138 HP) at 6000 Rev. per min. hp
Hyundai Coupe 2.7 V6 Coupe Front wheels 165.00 PS (121 kW or 163 HP) at 6000 Rev. per min. hp

Hyundai Elantra 2.0

Photo #1
Hyundai Coupe 2.7 V6

Photo #1
Hyundai Elantra 2.0

Photo #2
Hyundai Coupe 2.7 V6

Photo #2
Hyundai Elantra 2.0

Photo #3
Hyundai Coupe 2.7 V6

Photo #3
Hyundai Elantra 2.0

Photo #4
Hyundai Coupe 2.7 V6

Photo #4
Hyundai Elantra 2.0

Photo #5
Hyundai Coupe 2.7 V6

Photo #5
Hyundai Elantra 2.0

Photo #6
Hyundai Coupe 2.7 V6

Photo #6

Hyundai Elantra 2.0

Tuning Photo #1
Hyundai Coupe 2.7 V6

Tuning Photo #1
Hyundai Elantra 2.0

Tuning Photo #2
Hyundai Coupe 2.7 V6

Tuning Photo #2
Hyundai Elantra 2.0

Tuning Photo #3
Hyundai Coupe 2.7 V6

Tuning Photo #3
Hyundai Elantra 2.0

Tuning Photo #4
Hyundai Coupe 2.7 V6

Tuning Photo #4
Hyundai Elantra 2.0

Tuning Photo #5
Hyundai Coupe 2.7 V6

Tuning Photo #5
Hyundai Elantra 2.0

Tuning Photo #6
Hyundai Coupe 2.7 V6

Tuning Photo #6
Ford Taunus Turnier
Ford SVT Focus
Ford Taurus
Ford Synergy 2010
Ford Taurus 3.0
Ford Taunus
Ford Taurus Limited
Ford Taunus 1.8 17M
Ford Taurus Limited AWD
Ford Taunus 12 M
Ford Taurus LX
Ford Taunus 12M
Ford Taurus SE
Ford Taunus 17 M
Ford Taurus SE Sedan
Ford Taunus 2.0 Turnier
Ford Taurus SEL
Ford Taunus 2.3 Turnier
Ford Taurus SEL AWD
Ford Taunus 20 M
Ford Taurus SEL Sedan
Ford Taunus Station Wagon
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